The 9-hole "Lenox" course at the Lenox Municipal Golf Course facility in Lenox, Iowa features all the hallmarks of Iowa golf and is considered one of the best courses around in southern Iowa.

The Madison County Covered Bridge Festival is a wonderful, colorful weekend celebrating Madison County's history, heritage, and world-famous covered bridges are located 58 miles away.

Located only 20 minutes away in Adams County is Corning's vibrant downtown and rural outside adventures. Visit the recently restored Opera House and Cultural Center, Johnny Carson's Birthplace Home or enjoy locally grown wine at the Corning Vineyard.

Year-round opportunities at Lake Icaria for outdoor enthusiasts are abundant at the 650-acre lake. A network of trails, campsites, cabins and playgrounds accommodate land-lovers while you can enjoy the water by fishing, swimming, skiing and boating.

300 North Main Street, Lenox, IA

12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002
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