If there was ever a true love story, it is ours. Tim and I met from a blind date in 2002. Our instant friendship quickly developed into best friends and we knew that together we were going to embark upon a journey, and indeed we have.

Sam Wainwright a native of Illinois, made Iowa his home since 1869 and lived within the borders of Taylor County since 1893. He started is business career in Sharpsburg, where for 6 years, he was actively associated with the lumber and grain trades, and conducted a banking business. A resourceful man he extended his profit into manufacture of...

The Bender's


Rollie and Marcia Bender, my paternal grandparents with David (being held) myself (Barb), Diane and Ron in the summer of 1968.

Doors Open - December 5, 2018. Wednesday evening will find The Heritage Inn opening their doors for the Lenox Recipe Night. This night brings community members from Lenox and surrounding towns to participate in local taste testing of food, share holiday spirits and gain recipes from local businesses.

300 North Main Street, Lenox, IA

12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002
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