The Heritage Inn offers a unique overnight experience by providing our guests with a private Victorian suite for relaxing days and restful nights. Nestled in the lovely Southwest Iowa town of Lenox, the community offers the simple rural country atmosphere, encourages leisure activities and quiet moments for life's reflections.

The Heritage Inn - 

Enjoy the elegances of a private Victorian Suite.

Welcome! The Heritage Inn is a graceful, elegant Queen Anne Victorian home that was erected in 1904 and located in the Southwest corner of the beautiful State of Iowa.  Experience your own private Victorian Suite, which has been created specifically with you in mind.

Built in 1904 as a family home, this Queen Anne has served and welcomed guests from the surrounding communities.
Built in 1904 as a family home, this Queen Anne has served and welcomed guests from the surrounding communities.
Enjoy the outdoor serenity of a side patio and fire pit for the cool evenings or social gatherings.
Enjoy the outdoor serenity of a side patio and fire pit for the cool evenings or social gatherings.
Popular during the 1880s and 1890s, the Queen Anne house boasted large, wrapping porches with decorative brackets and turned posts. In fact, the porch itself became fashionable at this time, and a number of older structures began receiving Queen Anne style porches.
Popular during the 1880s and 1890s, the Queen Anne house boasted large, wrapping porches with decorative brackets and turned posts. In fact, the porch itself became fashionable at this time, and a number of older structures began receiving Queen Anne style porches.

300 North Main Street, Lenox, IA 50851


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